“My beloved country is teeming with talent,” exclaims Tatler Homes Philippines' Editor Stephanie Zubiri. “This issue is all about celebrating these incredible individuals who create with gusto, thrusting the Philippines into the limelight in the field of architecture and design.” In the spirit of this, the home of Tatler Homes Philippines' Tastemaker (2023), fashion designer Rosanna Ocampo-Rodriguez, graces the cover of this issue. “Celebrating her 15th year in the fashion industry, Ocampo-Rodriguez is known for her eclectic style — a signature combination of layered patterns, bright hues and flirtatious silhouettes. ‘My personal style is contemporary, feminine, sexy and fun,’ she says. All these elements can be seen in her home, a three-bedroom city dwelling that she shares with her dapper husband, Marco, and her two dynamic children, Alejandro and Alessi.”
Visit Rosanna's family colourful family abode and experience her signature whimsy and joie de vivre by browsing the feature below or download the entire Volume 34 of Tatler Homes Philippines free from Magzter. And see more of my lifestyle and interior photography for Tatler Homes Philippines.