travel + lifestyle

Travel + Leisure Southeast Asia Contributing Writer Stephanie Zubiri catches the Aman Resorts private jet to the luxurious Amanpulo private island in the Philippines for a wellness retreat drenched in the healing power of water.

“My toes dig into the powdery, white sand as I look across an inky blue, glittering and illuminated by an achingly bright waxing gibbous moon, I can’t help but feel as though all the stars in the sky had spilled over to the sea. At night, the island’s crystalline, turquoise waters and sunny tropicalia turns into an otherworldly place, one that is cool, serene, and almost enlightening.

It’s this palpable natural energy that best embodies Amanpulo. As soon as you alight from the plane onto the private island of Pamalican, time almost immediately slows down. It might be from the swaying palms, the constant winds that toggle from fair to feisty depending on the season and the side of the island you are on, or it may also be from the ever-present whoosh of the tide, no one really knows. However, one thing is certain — R&R is at the top of the agenda and boy did I need it.”

Learn more about Stephanie’s experience at the idyllic Amanpulo on