There is no doubt that in today’s challenging and uncertain world, there is a pervasive anxiety. Countless studies have shown that the root cause of most physical illnesses is stress, more specifically inflammation and acidity caused by chronic stress. And while conventional medicine will usually turn to treating symptoms and conditions with medications, more and more doctors along with wellness advocates promote a more holistic approach to achieving an optimal state of health, and this often most effective in the form of a personalized retreat.

Located just outside of Metro Manila, nestled in the lush foothills of Mount Malarayat, The Farm at San Benito is the perfect hideaway for a proper reset. The green-minded spa resortboasts of beautiful villas ensconced in the luxuriant nature, infinity pools, secret hideaways, and farm-fresh organic cuisine. It is however the quality and excellence of their therapists and wellness professionals that are truly unparalleled. They’re intuitive when it comes to helping customize a holistic wellness retreat just for you.

In the wellness department, I will try anything at least once. OK, perhaps not to the level of Goop queen Gwenyth Paltrow… but, yes, I am that kind of person. I’m particularly drawn to natural remedies, traditional techniques, and ancient wisdom. I am also interested in new-age technology — sometimes it feels like a scene from Back to the Future but I find the results are often surprisingly accurate.

At The Farm, we began with some holistic diagnostics to properly tailor the treatments and wellness experiences of my retreat to my specific needs. Their signature Live Blood Analysis, where they take a small blood sample using a pin prick and examine it under a microscope, and the Brain Biofeedback — which scans your body and reads the different electromagnetic fields within it — allowed them to determine my main areas we should focus on: an imbalanced gut coupled with overall latent stress.

From acupuncture to colon cleansing, psycho-emotional clearing to mandala meditation, traditional Filipino massages to the very powerful personalized sound healing: after 48 hours of immersive and intensive therapy and self-care, I felt completely renewed from inside out.